Saturday, November 28, 2009

MSA establishment

On May 13, 2009 marks the most remarkable moment for management students, as MSA was establish on this day. Founded by Simon Goh with the support of 30 members, it has brought to the attention of Student Affairs Assistant Manager, Ms Lee, the then president of Student Council, Stephanie Liew and the then Faculty of Management Associate Dean, Mr Stephen Corneilius. Since then, the number of members have grown up to 100+ within 2 semesters.

As the future Managers, we are often taught with the theoretical aspects of management in classes only. Sadly, we do not put them into practice. Therefore, with MSA comes into presence, it gives an opportunity for every individual to learn and garner the skills of management through practical activities outside classes. As a result, we could equip ourself with the necessary skills and knowledge before we face the corporate world tomorrow.

As scripture do say: "Practice makes perfect"

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