Monday, November 30, 2009

PNB Investment Quiz (17-18 Aug 2009)

Organised by Permodalan Nasional Berhad, an Investment quiz competition was held on 17-18 August 2009. As this is university level competition nationwide, every university need to send a maximum of 2 teams for this competition. Due to final exam period, MSA still managed to send a team to represent UCSI at Putrajaya.

Ojochide Lageji Yusufu, Jonathan Tan Yang Hsien and Kinkachi Owhanda, together with Ms. Liana as their advisor, compete among 56 Universities nationwide. Among 56 positions overall, our team upbeat the rest of the best team to emerged in 6th place. Unfortunately, only 4 teams are chosen to move on to the finals.

But overall, they have brought pride to UCSI as they are the first team representing UCSI for this quiz after so many years, and emerged as top 10. Unbelieveable!

Yakult Factory Tour Visit (15 July 2009)

After 2 months of establishment, on 15 July 2009, MSA has successfully organised a study trip to enhance our business skills as we went to Yakult Factory for a tour visit. Located in Seremban, a total of 40 participants, went for our first company tour, as we learn a lot of their manufacturing process conducted.

Yakult, a famous production of cultured milk drink, had invited MSA with the approval from student affairs and CECS. As we were there, we were brought for a tour to witness on how their products are manufactured. It is fascinating as their machines are designed and equipped with a leading-edge systems, which substantially increases the production capacity. Moreover, we also experience on those product stages when the manufacturing processes were conducted.

All in all, we not only learn something, but also have fun!! The joy and excitement during the journey was great as we make new friends from other faculty as well.

Can't wait for another trip!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Essay Competition (June 2009)

In conjunction with Malaysia Consumer's Day 2009, MSA has taken part in essay competition organised by the Higher Education Ministry and Federation of Malaysia Consumers Associations (FOMCA).

As the competition begins from 1st-19th June 2009, a total of 25 participants from UCSI University had registered. As the competition is held on national level, the number of participants grew intensively, as the overall participants accounted to more than 6,000 participants all over Malaysia.

However, there is still hope for UCSI entries as 2 participants successfully outraged the other 6,000+ entries, by winning 3rd prize and consolation prize respectively. They are Lee May Yin and Roxanne Wong. So concurrent, both of them happens to be MSA members.^^

The rest of the participants received a certificate of participant from the Higher Education Ministry.

MSA establishment

On May 13, 2009 marks the most remarkable moment for management students, as MSA was establish on this day. Founded by Simon Goh with the support of 30 members, it has brought to the attention of Student Affairs Assistant Manager, Ms Lee, the then president of Student Council, Stephanie Liew and the then Faculty of Management Associate Dean, Mr Stephen Corneilius. Since then, the number of members have grown up to 100+ within 2 semesters.

As the future Managers, we are often taught with the theoretical aspects of management in classes only. Sadly, we do not put them into practice. Therefore, with MSA comes into presence, it gives an opportunity for every individual to learn and garner the skills of management through practical activities outside classes. As a result, we could equip ourself with the necessary skills and knowledge before we face the corporate world tomorrow.

As scripture do say: "Practice makes perfect"